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机器学习方法在组织管理研究中的应用日益广泛,国内顶刊《管理世界》去年也曾发表了机器学习赋能管理学研究的综述论文。为了帮助大家更好地了解机器学习在组织管理研究中的应用,本期推文对组织管理领域15本顶级期刊上应用机器学习方法开展研究的34篇论文进行了汇总。检索的关键词为machine learning或者 statistical learning,检索的期刊包括Academy of Management Journal(0篇)、Administrative Science Quarterly(0篇)、Human Relations(1篇)、Human Resource Management(0篇)、Human Resource Management Journal(4篇)、Journal of Applied Psychology(8篇)、Journal of Management(0篇)、Journal of Management Studies(0篇)、Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology(1篇)、Journal of Organizational Behavior(0篇)、Journal of Vocational Behavior(1篇)、Leadership Quarterly(6篇)、Organization Science(2篇)、Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes(3篇)、Personnel Psychology(8篇)。


- 2024年 -

1、Yuan, S., Kroon, B., & Kramer, A. (2024). Building prediction models with grouped data: A case study on the prediction of turnover intention. Human Resource Management Journal, 34(1), 20-38.(被引用次数:36)


2、Song, Q. C., Shin, H. J., Tang, C., Hanna, A., & Behrend, T. (2024). Investigating machine learning's capacity to enhance the prediction of career choices. Personnel Psychology, 77(2), 295-319.(被引用次数:7)


3、Sajjadiani, S., Daniels, M. A., & Huang, H. C. (2024). The social process of coping with work‐related stressors online: A machine learning and interpretive data science approach. Personnel Psychology, 77(2), 321-373.(被引用次数:5)


4、Li, Y. N., Law, K. S., Yu, B., Wang, L., & Li, D. (2024). Different impacts of hedonic and utilitarian personal Internet usage behaviour on wellbeing and work engagement: A daily examination. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology.


5、Kumar, L. S., & Burns, G. N. (2024). Determinants of safety outcomes in organizations: Exploring O* NET data to predict occupational accident rates. Personnel Psychology, 77(2), 555-594.(被引用次数:4)


6、Hickman, L., Saef, R., Ng, V., Woo, S. E., Tay, L., & Bosch, N. (2024). Developing and evaluating language‐based machine learning algorithms for inferring applicant personality in video interviews. Human Resource Management Journal, 34(2), 255-274.(被引用次数:44)


7、Speer, A. B. (2024). Empirical attrition modelling and discrimination: Balancing validity and group differences. Human Resource Management Journal, 34(1), 1-19.(被引用次数:13)


- 2023年 -

8、Zhang, N., Wang, M., Xu, H., Koenig, N., Hickman, L., Kuruzovich, J., Ng, V., Arhin, K., Wilson, D., Song, Q. C., Tang, C., Alexander, L., & Kim, Y. (2023). Reducing subgroup differences in personnel selection through the application of machine learning. Personnel Psychology, 76(4), 1125-1159.(被引用次数:12)


9、Song, Q., Tang, C., Newman, D. A., & Wee, S. (2023). Adverse impact reduction and job performance optimization via pareto-optimal weighting: A shrinkage formula and regularization technique using machine learning. Journal of Applied Psychology.(被引用次数:4)


10、Rottman, C., Gardner, C., Liff, J., Mondragon, N., & Zuloaga, L. (2023). New strategies for addressing the diversity–validity dilemma with big data. Journal of Applied Psychology, 108(9), 1425.(被引用次数:10)


11、Landers, R. N., Auer, E. M., Dunk, L., Langer, M., & Tran, K. N. (2023). A simulation of the impacts of machine learning to combine psychometric employee selection system predictors on performance prediction, adverse impact, and number of dropped predictors. Personnel Psychology, 76(4), 1037-1060.(被引用次数:6)


12、Hernandez, I., & Nie, W. (2023). The AI‐IP: Minimizing the guesswork of personality scale item development through artificial intelligence. Personnel Psychology, 76(4), 1011-1035.(被引用次数:10)


13、Fan, J., Sun, T., Liu, J., Zhao, T., Zhang, B., Chen, Z., Glorioso, M., & Hack, E. (2023).  How well can an AI chatbot infer personality? Examining psychometric properties of machine-inferred personality scores. Journal of Applied Psychology, 108(8), 1277.(被引用次数:24)


14、Banks, G. C., Ross, R., Toth, A. A., Tonidandel, S., Goloujeh, A. M., Dou, W., & Wesslen, R. (2023). The triangulation of ethical leader signals using qualitative, experimental, and data science methods. The Leadership Quarterly, 34(3), 101658.(被引用次数:13)


15、Speer, A. B., Perrotta, J., Tenbrink, A. P., Wegmeyer, L. J., Delacruz, A. Y., & Bowker, J. (2023). Turning words into numbers: Assessing work attitudes using natural language processing. Journal of Applied Psychology, 108(6), 1027.(被引用次数:8)


16、Koenig, N., Tonidandel, S., Thompson, I., Albritton, B., Koohifar, F., Yankov, G., ... & Newton, C. (2023). Improving measurement and prediction in personnel selection through the application of machine learning. Personnel Psychology, 76(4), 1061-1123.(被引用次数:10)


- 2022年 -

17、Min, H., Yang, B., Allen, D. G., Grandey, A. A., & Liu, M. (2022). Wisdom from the crowd: Can recommender systems predict employee turnover and its destinations?. Personnel Psychology, 77(2), 475-496.(被引用次数:6)


18、Vanneste, B. S., & Gulati, R. (2022). Generalized trust, external sourcing, and firm performance in economic downturns. Organization Science, 33(4), 1599-1619.(被引用次数:22)


19、Tonidandel, S., Summerville, K. M., Gentry, W. A., & Young, S. F. (2022). Using structural topic modeling to gain insight into challenges faced by leaders. The Leadership Quarterly, 33(5), 101576.(被引用次数:34)


20、Speer, A. B., Christiansen, N. D., Robie, C., & Jacobs, R. R. (2022). Measurement specificity with modern methods: Using dimensions, facets, and items from personality assessments to predict performance. Journal of Applied Psychology, 107(8), 1428.(被引用次数:22)


21、Schulz, F., Valizade, D., & Charlwood, A. (2022). The effect of intra-workplace pay inequality on employee trust in managers: assessing a multilevel moderated mediation effect model. Human Relations, 75(4), 705-733.(被引用次数:16)


22、Sadler-Smith, E., Akstinaite, V., & Akinci, C. (2022). Identifying the linguistic markers of intuition in human resource (HR) practice. Human Resource Management Journal, 32(3), 584-602.(被引用次数:16)


23、Ng, W., & Sherman, E. L. (2022). In search of inspiration: External mobility and the emergence of technology intrapreneurs. Organization Science, 33(6), 2300-2321.(被引用次数:5)


24、Lee, A., Inceoglu, I., Hauser, O., & Greene, M. (2022). Determining causal relationships in leadership research using Machine Learning: The powerful synergy of experiments and data science. The Leadership Quarterly, 33(5), 101426.(被引用次数:38)


25、Hickman, L., Bosch, N., Ng, V., Saef, R., Tay, L., & Woo, S. E. (2022). Automated video interview personality assessments: Reliability, validity, and generalizability investigations. Journal of Applied Psychology, 107(8), 1323.(被引用次数:129)


26、Doornenbal, B. M., Spisak, B. R., & van der Laken, P. A. (2022). Opening the black box: Uncovering the leader trait paradigm through machine learning. The Leadership Quarterly, 33(5), 101515.(被引用次数:38)


27、Bhatia, S., Olivola, C. Y., Bhatia, N., & Ameen, A. (2022). Predicting leadership perception with large-scale natural language data. The Leadership Quarterly, 33(5), 101535.(被引用次数:28)


- 2021年 -

28、Yeomans, M. (2021). A concrete example of construct construction in natural language. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 162, 81-94.(被引用次数:24)


29、Min, H., Peng, Y., Shoss, M., & Yang, B. (2021). Using machine learning to investigate the public’s emotional responses to work from home during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Applied Psychology, 106(2), 214.(被引用次数:77)


30、McLeod, C. M., Pifer, N. D., & Plunkett, E. P. (2021). Career expectations and optimistic updating biases in minor league baseball players. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 129, 103615.(被引用次数:10)


- 2020年 -

31、Yeomans, M., Minson, J., Collins, H., Chen, F., & Gino, F. (2020). Conversational receptiveness: Improving engagement with opposing views. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 160, 131-148.(被引用次数:108)


32、Sun, K. Q., & Slepian, M. L. (2020). The conversations we seek to avoid. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 160, 87-105.(被引用次数:29)


- 2019年 -

33、Spisak, B. R., van der Laken, P. A., & Doornenbal, B. M. (2019). Finding the right fuel for the analytical engine: Expanding the leader trait paradigm through machine learning?. The Leadership Quarterly, 30(4), 417-426.(被引用次数:20)


34、Sajjadiani, S., Sojourner, A. J., Kammeyer-Mueller, J. D., & Mykerezi, E. (2019). Using machine learning to translate applicant work history into predictors of performance and turnover. Journal of Applied Psychology, 104(10), 1207.(被引用次数:174)


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