【创新前沿】顶刊追踪70 |AI赋能创新
  来源:浙江大学创新管理基地   点击次数:


本期,编者选取近期刊登在《Technological Forecasting & Social Change》及《Management Information Systems Quarterly》上与AI赋能创新相关的三篇文章。具体而言,Haefner等 (2021)针对创新的两种约束(信息处理约束和局部搜索例程约束),揭示了AI帮助企业产生想法和发展想法的内在机制,并进一步概述AI逐步替代人类的各阶段的程度。Füller等 (2022) 在此基础上,拓展了AI影响创新管理的阶段。除了机会识别和想法产生,延伸了想法评估和筛选、概念和策略发展及商业化实施阶段。同时利用聚类分析从AI技术采纳者角度探讨不同集群(AI领航者,AI实践者,AI偶发创新者和非AI创新者)在组织设置、感知和组织情境等方面的差异,有助于理解AI未来实践应用的影响因素。Lou和Wu (2021)聚焦生物医药行业,通过实证研究探讨AI创新能力对药物研发的影响。研究表明,对于作用机制已知的新药和新颖性中等的药物,该影响正向显著,同时在拥有AI技能和药物发现领域专长的组合员工时,AI创新能力尤为凸显。


Artificial intelligence and innovation management: A review, framework and research agenda



// 关键词:


Artificial intelligence, Innovation management, Literature review, Information processing

// 摘要:


Abstract: Artificial Intelligence (AI) reshapes companies and how innovation management is organized. Consistent with rapid technological development and the replacement of human organization, AI may indeed compel management to rethink a company's entire innovation process. In response, we review and explore the implications for future innovation management. Using ideas from the Carnegie School and the behavioral theory of the firm, we review the implications for innovation management of AI technologies and machine learning-based AI systems. We outline a framework showing the extent to which AI can replace humans and explain what is important to consider in making the transformation to the digital organization of innovation. We conclude our study by exploring directions for future research.


Haefner N., Wincent J., Parida V., et al. Artificial intelligence and innovation management: A review, framework, and research agenda[J]. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2021, 162.


How AI revolutionizes innovation management – Perceptions and implementation preferences of AI-based innovators


// 关键词:


AI-based innovation management, Innovation process, Organizational setup, Organizational context, Cluster analysis

Standards, Patents, SEP, Catch-up, Incumbent, ICT

// 摘要


Summary:  The application of AI is expected to enable new opportunities for innovation management and reshape innovation practice in organizations. Our exploratory study among 150 AI-savvy innovation managers reveals four different clusters in terms of how organizations may use and implement AI in their innovation management ranging from (1) AI-Frontrunners, (2) AI-Practitioners, and (3) AI-Occasional innovators to (4) Non-AI innovators. The different groups vary not only in their strategy, organizational structure, and skill-building but also in their perceived potential, understanding of the required changes, encountered challenges, and organizational contexts. Our study contributes to a better understanding of the current state of AI-based innovation management, its impact on future innovation practice, and differences in organizations’ AI ambitions and chosen implementation approaches.


Füller J., Hutter K., Wahl J., et al. How AI revolutionizes innovation management – Perceptions and implementation preferences of AI-based innovators[J]. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2022, 178.


AI on drugs: Can artificial intelligence accelerate drug development? Evidence from a large-scale examination of bio-pharma firms


// 关键词:


Artificial intelligence, Drug discovery, IT innovation, Biotech & pharmaceutical industries, AI capability

// 摘要


Summary: Advances in artificial intelligence (AI) could potentially reduce the complexities and costs in drug discovery. Using a resource-based view, we conceptualize an AI innovation capability that gauges a firm's ability to develop, manage and utilize AI resources for innovation. Using patents and job postings to measure AI innovation capability, we find that it can affect a firm’s discovery of new drug-target pairs for preclinical studies. The effect is particularly pronounced for developing new drugs whose mechanism of impact on a disease is known and for drugs at the medium level of chemical novelty. However, AI is less helpful in developing drugs when there is no existing therapy. AI is also less helpful for drugs that are either entirely novel or those that are incremental “follow-on” drugs. Examining AI skills, a key component of AI innovation capability, we find that the main effect of AI innovation capability comes from employees possessing the combination of AI skills and domain expertise in drug discovery as opposed to employees possessing AI skills only. Having the combination is key because developing and improving AI tools is an iterative process requiring synthesizing inputs from both AI and domain experts. Taken together, our study sheds light on both the advantages and the limitations of using AI in drug discovery and how to effectively manage AI resources for drug development.


Lou B., Wu L. AI on drugs: Can artificial intelligence accelerate drug development? Evidence from a large-scale examination of bio-pharma firms[J]. MISQ Forthcoming, 2021.

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